DAWON MONTESSORI will be the dreams of children.
Math eduction is to stimulate the intellectual development of children and to acquire logical thinking about any object.
The direct purpose of Math is to learn numbers and quantity in logical way through daily experience, while indirect purpose is to foster estimation, imagination, understanding, and judgment all of which required for the formation of personality.
Number Rods and Printed | DW2001
2.5*2.5*10cm ~
Small Numerial Rods | DW2003
Loose Spindles Box | DW2005
W×D×H 31.5*23*17.5cm
Teen Boards and Ten Boards | DW2006
W×D×H 44*16*12cm
Golden Bead Materials | DW2020
W×D×H 38*14.5*9.5cm
Wooden Bead Materials | DW2021
W×D×H 38.5*26*8.5cm
Bead Cabinet | DW2049
W×D×H 1114*11.5*92cm
Colored Bead Bars | DW2015
W×D×H 31*29*9cm
Fraction Material and Case | DW2070
W×D×H 18.5*18.5*67cm
Stamp Game | DW2060
W×D×H 36*26*5cm